That's right, I'm in a giant tin can floating in a bunch of gunk - well not all of me, just my head.
Yeah, it's true that some asshole used my head for batting practice when it was stuck to a tuna can Tuna Ted Tartare. Also, even though I'm in the middle of the desert, it's 102 degrees below frigging zero. Feels like Fenway on a cold April night, without the longjohns. Really nice.
Enough about old Ted Head. Spring training is coming to an end and the Sox are getting ready to fire up the rivalry on Sunday. Good thing too, the only thing good about spring training - Great fishing down there in Florida. But all the practice, and facing some dork trying to be the fifth in an already rotten Royals rotation who feels he has to prove something against me, the Splendid Splinter. I usually hit about .220 in the Spring, just to give the talentless hacks something to fill their fish wraps with in Boston.
Check in with me from time to time, it's just me, and a few other heads, I've got nothing but time...
Friday, April 2, 2010
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Why can't I see previous posts? Is your brain that frozen. Come on Ted,get with it. (Great Blog)
ReplyDeleteI will get w/ it, but this is my 1st post.
ReplyDeleteI've always wondered: didn't you really want a shot at the Cubs in '46 instead of the Cardinals?
ReplyDeleteAnswering question re: 1946 cubs, rather than Cardinals.
ReplyDeleteLet's take a look at the rosters, shall we?
Cardinals: Musial, Slaughter, Garagiola - best pitching staff in the majors
Cubs:Eddie Waitkus?, Don Johnson?,Stan Frigging Hack? And their pitching staff had such immortals as Hal Manders and Ed Hanyzewski?
No brainer. Unless Don Johnson was going to roll Tubbs out there with him (Miami Vice, look it up punk), I think we'd have handled the Cubs just fine. And let's get one thing straight, if Pesky hadn't been eating those goddamned sticky licorice whips before the inning, he wouldn't have had the ball stuck in his hand and Slaughter would have been out by 10 feet. Game over.
Thanks for dredging up those &$)_*(I#@_)* memories.
Also, Cubs fans, until your owners shell out the $ and develop some decent minor leaguers, shut up, we're all sick of your faux misery. Chicago is not a small market.